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The shadow of my complexion is a process of finding yourself and where intersectionality, colourism and struggling with yourself intersect. In a society that spins around these themes, Maravilha Munto takes us in her poetry bundle through her own journey of self-love, trauma, encountering yourself (or own shadow), (re)finding yourself, self-hatred, female empowerment and the process towards self acceptance.

It is possible to pre-order, please click on the cover of the book so it can direct you to the payment page. 

Nadia Nsyayi

“There are books that have to be written. And when you read them, they keep on resonating because they bring a new perspective and move deeply. The combination of moving stories and striking poems makes Maravilha Munto's book special. The author opens her heart to readers willing to feel and understand how a vulnerable black girl struggles to become a black woman with self-confidence and self-love. This book is more than welcome in 2023 and highly recommended."
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